Sponsorship Request

Presently, Solo Nos is dependent on donations and sponsorship in order to carry out the annual events and to plan and execute its programs and projects. Currently, majority of the funding to keep it functioning is from the donations and sponsorship from the founders, the board of directors, investors, members, community residents, public and private organizations and private owned businesses.

How to receive sponsorship from us

Solo Nos offers 3 types of sponsorship, these are funding, volunteers, and advertisement. Normally our sponsorship contributions are annual.

Currently, funding is only for Affiliate Members. These members are normally community organizations, individuals or groups with community projects or initiatives. In exchange for an annual donation from Solo Nos, affiliate members offer volunteers or services for some of the annual community events.

Volunteer Sponsorship is for community events. Sponsors and investors of Solo Nos are members that at times host charity events, community events or host events that donate proceeds to Solo Nos.

Advertising Sponsorship is for Active Members, Sponsors, and Affiliates members. Solo Nos has several social media platforms, a website, a YouTube channel, exclusive access to a podcast talk show and direct access to popular local and internationally syndicated radio shows. Depending on the type of membership members can gain access to our advertisement platforms and/or have an advertisement flyer made.